Our first objective based game using the new rules was a scenario Eric whipped up on the spot, and it turned out to be great fun. Just to be upfront about it, I lost, again.
Click any of the photos for a larger version.
The game was a squad of British soldiers were assigned to destroy a target, a target that they chose randomly before the game from two possibilities. The Germans, of course, had to prevent that from happening without knowing which target the British were after.
In the picture below you can see the targets, the 88mm Flak in the field and the Panther on the right road.

I was the Germans in this, so I deployed an MG42 covering each target as well as an MP40 armed guard. The rest of the squad was deployed in a way that let them react to which ever target the British headed for.
Eric deployed his huge head behind the house. He also spread out the squad along the table edge so as not to give away his target.

The Tommies wasted little time, and were soon charging head long towards both targets. Eric kept alive the possibility of either target being valid right up to the end, it was absurdly well done on his part.
The German troops have taken up positions in the field, the white markers indicating that they are in a state of Overwatch.

Eric's opening shots managed to kill the MG42 gunner defending the Panther, and seriously wounded the guard. That made him confident and he charged his Bren gunner forward. As you can see here, he didn't make it.

This move did, however, keep alive the possibility of either target being valid. This kept several of the German soldiers from moving for fear of leaving a target unprotected.

On the German left flank the Tommies suddeny charged, swarming around the hedgerow on both ends. This particular soldier didn't make it much beyond the edge of the bush. That German you see on the right was waiting for him and was quite effective in stopping that charge.

On the other end of the hedge, this soldier evaded the German fire and moved right up to hand-to-hand combat with this guy. The fight fierce fighting spanned two activations, in the end the British soldier was severly wounded and the German soldier killed.
The 88mm Flak eventually turned out to be the target of the raid. After what were little more than pot shots for the first few rounds, a huge fire fight erupted in this field around the 88. The MG42 in the bunker on the hill eliminated a Brit as he ran for the gun, a Rifleman on the hill shot down another. The British mowed down all of the Germans in the field on their way in, and eventually succeded in getting a man to the target alive. Boom went the 88, and Eric won again.
It was a very enjoyable game, and I think we may include it in the rules as one of the "standard" scenarioes.
Click any of the photos for a larger version.
The game was a squad of British soldiers were assigned to destroy a target, a target that they chose randomly before the game from two possibilities. The Germans, of course, had to prevent that from happening without knowing which target the British were after.
In the picture below you can see the targets, the 88mm Flak in the field and the Panther on the right road.

I was the Germans in this, so I deployed an MG42 covering each target as well as an MP40 armed guard. The rest of the squad was deployed in a way that let them react to which ever target the British headed for.
Eric deployed his huge head behind the house. He also spread out the squad along the table edge so as not to give away his target.

The Tommies wasted little time, and were soon charging head long towards both targets. Eric kept alive the possibility of either target being valid right up to the end, it was absurdly well done on his part.
The German troops have taken up positions in the field, the white markers indicating that they are in a state of Overwatch.

Eric's opening shots managed to kill the MG42 gunner defending the Panther, and seriously wounded the guard. That made him confident and he charged his Bren gunner forward. As you can see here, he didn't make it.

This move did, however, keep alive the possibility of either target being valid. This kept several of the German soldiers from moving for fear of leaving a target unprotected.

On the German left flank the Tommies suddeny charged, swarming around the hedgerow on both ends. This particular soldier didn't make it much beyond the edge of the bush. That German you see on the right was waiting for him and was quite effective in stopping that charge.

On the other end of the hedge, this soldier evaded the German fire and moved right up to hand-to-hand combat with this guy. The fight fierce fighting spanned two activations, in the end the British soldier was severly wounded and the German soldier killed.

It was a very enjoyable game, and I think we may include it in the rules as one of the "standard" scenarioes.