The American patrol is crossing the bridge while the Italian patrol is moving down the road. Obviously trouble ensues.

From a game position, it was a lot of fun, but it wasn't very photo interesting.
Both sides got pinned down pretty quickly under fire, soldiers were then wounded and couldn't really move.
The end result was an American victory, but it was very close and very bloody.

He moved across the bridge and out into the crossroads where he had no cover, and he stopped there. He was shot at, but they missed. He was shot at and they hit, but there was no wound. The Stroller was Hit four times (that I can recall), and each time the hit was ineffective. He was shot at much more than that and the shots just missed. Really it was to the point of absurdity. He was a fully armed and active soldier, standing in the middle of the road, and Eric just plain stopped shooting at him. It was like it wasn't worth it because he knew it wouldn't work anyway.
We decided it must have been his easy-going attitude that was keeping his around somehow.