But for now, here are the fearsome sons of the south along a creek shore.
You may notice something unusual about one of those figures in the front. Yes, yes he has a chicken with him. You see, we contacted the foremost historical expert on the American Civil War that we knew of (okay, he's the only one we personally know of) and asked some questions to help us out with the accuracy of the figures.
Mostly we asked about unit size and uniforms, but Brian provided an additional helpful tidbit, and I quote:
Another interesting fact you may want to put in the figures were pets, though banned by the army, many soldiers, including generals, had dogs, chickens and raccoons ans pets. Dogs were the most popular.
I love this for a few reasons. One, it's one of those detail things that you don't normally come across when looking up ACW military information. Two, it adds something special, something that "looks right" but that you wouldn't normally think of doing. And most of all, I love it because it's a suggestion from Brian about adding to miniatures, and frankly that's just cool.
I do have to point out that I saw it as infinitely amusing that Brian felt the need to clarify that dogs (and not chickens or raccoons) were the more common pets. Maybe it's just me.
Anyway, that's why the chicken is there. I had a 54mm chicken. I do not have a 54mm raccoon. I have only one 54mm dog and he's busy in Fandango Flats. So the chicken it is.
And a special thanks to Brian for his assistance with this, and for his suggestions. More are always welcome!
Astute observers will notice that the figures now have flocked bases. For some reason I can't figure, the WWII guys look fine with blank bases but the ACW guys look kinda dumb with the blank bases. So I flocked them, and now they look better.