Again, long time. We haven't been gaming much lately, but we are still active with the games.
The previously mentioned Vietnam era game was never played. I have some tanks and APCs and 21 Americans ready, but Eric is lagging in the VC department. That's okay, we moved off that for the moment.
We finally did play the June 1/144 rules on 05/22. It is our rule set for gaming 1/144 scale battles and is based on our normal S3 rules. In my opinion they work better than the regular S3 rules for almost everything.
Here is a nifty view of our first game. Eric commanded the Germans in an attempt to take the town from the American defenders. Needless to say, he did it. But I made him pay for it.
The second game was a sieze the bridge and the town game, again the Germans were the aggressors, but this time I commanded them. Of course we failed. But it was still fun, and most importantly the rules turned out to work exceptionally well. As always clicking makes 'em bigger.
Zuckuss likes the 1/144 scale games (land or air) because it leaves a lot of open spaces for him to sit with us.
The roads, river, mud spots, fields, and trees were all made by Eric. He did an outstanding job on those, they are simply amazing to look at. Eric also assembled all of the buildings, they are paper or cardstock. And I painted all the figures and vehicles, so it was a division of labor, and that's good.
The previously mentioned Vietnam era game was never played. I have some tanks and APCs and 21 Americans ready, but Eric is lagging in the VC department. That's okay, we moved off that for the moment.
Here is a nifty view of our first game. Eric commanded the Germans in an attempt to take the town from the American defenders. Needless to say, he did it. But I made him pay for it.
The second game was a sieze the bridge and the town game, again the Germans were the aggressors, but this time I commanded them. Of course we failed. But it was still fun, and most importantly the rules turned out to work exceptionally well. As always clicking makes 'em bigger.
Zuckuss likes the 1/144 scale games (land or air) because it leaves a lot of open spaces for him to sit with us.
The roads, river, mud spots, fields, and trees were all made by Eric. He did an outstanding job on those, they are simply amazing to look at. Eric also assembled all of the buildings, they are paper or cardstock. And I painted all the figures and vehicles, so it was a division of labor, and that's good.