Using the Fantasy rules I mentioned last post, Eric has come up with a quest game for me to lead my adventuring party on. It's designed to be played in a few connected scenarioes, and those are then connected by narative. It seems to work well.
We have here the adventuring party. Sir William, Krael Chainpaw, Lady Velina, Makato Niitsu, Vorden Friontola, and Rored Blacksmasher the dwarven mage. For a
reason I forgot we all returned to Rored's home town, only to discover that it was under attack by a foul magic user! The people of the town were under a hypnotic like control, and Rored was forced to club a farmer unconcious. Near the fountain was the cause of the mischief, a black robed mage that turned out to be a disgruntled and shunned magic student from Rored's past. He had apparently used a magic staff to infect the town with boils and a nasty illness. Since we didn't like that, and Eric confirmed we didn't like the mage, we rushed into town and cut him down.
Of course, that didn't fix the illness. No, it couldn't be that easy. Instead we meet Rored's old teacher, apparently an elf that talks a lot. He informed us that the staff used was one of eight, each having a diffrent power. We needed to collect a bunch of them so they could tell us where The Source was, the destruction of which will cure the illness. Fortunately (or not), one of he staves is close by in the castle of Lord Waglan. Waglan is an evil tyrant of the realm, so we aren't able to just wander over and ask for it. There's also no easy way into the castle.
So we elect to investigate the rumors of an army milling around in the woods. Time constraints appear, and we get narrated very quickly into the group, and we verry
suddenly find ouselves participating in an all out castle assault! (Side note: this allowed us to test a rules theory proposed by a brilliant man over on TMP, and they worked wonderfully).
The assault went well for our side (which I hope is good since I'm not sure who these guys even are). The castle guards put up a fight, but my party advanced around them and instead of using the door, we scaled the wall. A fierce fight broke out in the courtyard, our army broke through the castle door and rushed inside, ad we confronted Lord Waglan in person! He died, cut down by Sir William. But before keeling over he set off a chain of events that collapsed the courtyard into a sink hole, dropping us all into the dungeon of the Ice Queen!
Now I'm sure she's a perfectly lovely person under diffrent circumstances, probably a joy to chat or have tea with. But now we were in a hurry to get the magical staff called Frost, and we just killed her friend and collapsed her castle, so tea was right out.
Our party advanced into the dungeon, and three of us promptly got ourselves stuck when the fountain froze around our feet. The other three were in no position to assist us since the next room contained some facinating ice crystals.
Unfortunately these crystals were alive and had a nasty habit of spinning, then running into us with their spinning pointy bits.
We were able to dispatch these vile ice constructs and free our stuck members, and so we continued onward. Into a room with gigantic ice snowflakes. They aren't pointy, but they still spin and being hit with a big blunt ice bit is as bad as a pointy bit. Again, we heroicly put an end to the constructs and moved forward.
And we moved forward into a hall with more constructs, both pointy and blunt, and so we did do battle once more! At this point two of our heroes are quite wounded and we have no cleric to assist us with that, so we venture onward. And onward brings
us to the throne room of the Ice Queen, which is just lousy with ice constructs as well as a twenty foot ice woman. Sir William and Chainpaw rush to eliminate a construct, but are frozen in place by the icy breath blast of the queen. This very nearly spells the end of the thief, as the queen simply stands there bashing him with her fists while he is frozen and unable to respond. Fortunately the others can, and between the deadly accurate arrow fire and the axe blows from the barbarian, the Ice Queen is eventually shattered!
We have acquired the magical staff Frost. It, combined with the staff Death from the village, have revealed more clues to the location of The Source. The staves also show the locations of at least one other staff, so we now have to choose which staff we will persue.
This game was awesome. I can't wait to continue!
I would like to point out also that Eric gets a +1 for his spectacular use of Christmas decorations as Ice Constructs and the queen. A brilliant and very effective representation of the frozen doom we wandered into.
What the heck, have another +1 .
We have here the adventuring party. Sir William, Krael Chainpaw, Lady Velina, Makato Niitsu, Vorden Friontola, and Rored Blacksmasher the dwarven mage. For a

Of course, that didn't fix the illness. No, it couldn't be that easy. Instead we meet Rored's old teacher, apparently an elf that talks a lot. He informed us that the staff used was one of eight, each having a diffrent power. We needed to collect a bunch of them so they could tell us where The Source was, the destruction of which will cure the illness. Fortunately (or not), one of he staves is close by in the castle of Lord Waglan. Waglan is an evil tyrant of the realm, so we aren't able to just wander over and ask for it. There's also no easy way into the castle.
So we elect to investigate the rumors of an army milling around in the woods. Time constraints appear, and we get narrated very quickly into the group, and we verry

The assault went well for our side (which I hope is good since I'm not sure who these guys even are). The castle guards put up a fight, but my party advanced around them and instead of using the door, we scaled the wall. A fierce fight broke out in the courtyard, our army broke through the castle door and rushed inside, ad we confronted Lord Waglan in person! He died, cut down by Sir William. But before keeling over he set off a chain of events that collapsed the courtyard into a sink hole, dropping us all into the dungeon of the Ice Queen!
Now I'm sure she's a perfectly lovely person under diffrent circumstances, probably a joy to chat or have tea with. But now we were in a hurry to get the magical staff called Frost, and we just killed her friend and collapsed her castle, so tea was right out.

Unfortunately these crystals were alive and had a nasty habit of spinning, then running into us with their spinning pointy bits.

And we moved forward into a hall with more constructs, both pointy and blunt, and so we did do battle once more! At this point two of our heroes are quite wounded and we have no cleric to assist us with that, so we venture onward. And onward brings

We have acquired the magical staff Frost. It, combined with the staff Death from the village, have revealed more clues to the location of The Source. The staves also show the locations of at least one other staff, so we now have to choose which staff we will persue.
This game was awesome. I can't wait to continue!
I would like to point out also that Eric gets a +1 for his spectacular use of Christmas decorations as Ice Constructs and the queen. A brilliant and very effective representation of the frozen doom we wandered into.
What the heck, have another +1 .