Boasting cat: Episode 2

   With the Ancient Technology (whatever it was) destroyed, the crew moves on to the next job.  The MAN wants them to investigate the dig site, and check for any other ancient objects.
   They aren't the only ones doing so, though.  Either the pirates couldn't keep their mouth shut about what they had, or whomever they stole it from wasn't keeping quiet. Meaning they wouldn't be the only ones searching.

The job: Investigate the three points in the site that would likely hold additional artifacts.  The excavation pit, the ruined house, and the cargo box that's being used as an office.

  As suspected a group of Mercenaries, a band of Zupyxians, has arrived at the dig site.

There's no question on what they're doing there as soon as they move, heading into and around the ruins site.  They don't move quite far enough to resolve the marker though.

  The crew arrives on the other side of the board.  Fortunately, or not, none of them can see the Mercenaries at all.  So no reactions or shooting is possible.  They also have no fear, since they don't know anyone is there yet.

   The Crew splits up, Sylvester streaks off to the dig pit, followed by Minnie coming to provide him a guard.  Kazoc takes up position behind the shuttle, ready to provide cover fire for his friends in the pit. Mason moves off making his way to the cargo crate office, keeping the heavy excavator between himself and the now spotted mercenaries.
Sylvester succeeds in resolving the marker and exploring the pit.  He didn't find anything, no artifacts, no loot. But the marker is complete.
Trak shifts to make better use of the shuttle as cover.

The Mercs in the ruins explore them successfully, the others moving directly down the road towards the pit.

  Mason moves toward the office door when a Merc sees him and opens fire, wounding him just as he flings open the doors and ducks inside.  Inside, he explores the office successfully, but finds nothing of value or use.  The second marker is now complete.
  Trak moves forward slightly to get a shot at the guys on the road, one of whom sees him and reacts, shooting him for his trouble.  Wounded, but still good, Trak opens up on the Merk leader wounding him back and forcing him to run for cover in the ruins.
  Karzoc Shifted to see around the digger scoop, then opened fire on the remaining Merc in the road, gunning him down outright.

   The Mercenaries decide Karzoc is a pretty good threat, with him killing one of their friends and all, and he's the only person they can see, so they start lobbing their Bottle Rockets at him.  The first goes wide and short hitting nothing, but the second lands right at his feet, taking him out completely.

   Trak moves up firing on the guy in the ruins he can see.  His shots hit home, wounding the Mercenary and forcing him to dive for cover.

  Mason pops out of the office and is promptly shot at by a Mercenary from across the pit, bullets pinging off the metal door, thankfully to no effect.  Mason fired back, wounding the Mercenary, and forcing him to duck back into the ruins for cover.

   Minnie dashed from her cover to shoot the Mercenary that just ducked into the ruins.  The shot hit and wounded him, the massive slug from her hand cannon knocking him back a step,   That step backward is just enough to moved him once again into the view of Mason.  Mason reacts and takes a snap-shot, killing the yo-yoing alien.

   Suddenly, things are Turning into a Throxian stand off.(it's a In-Game random event)  A squad of 6 new Mercenaries, a third faction, comes moving into the area.  The deployment is random, and all six show up right behind the cargo container office.

  Sylvester was shot by an unnoticed Mercenary that came around the outside edge of the ruin. Wounded and spooked, he ran for cover.
  Minnie snapped a shot at the Merc leader as he emerged from the ruin, She hit and wounded him, but he shot her up pretty bad in return.  Heavily wounded, she dove for cover in the satellite ditch beside Sylvester.

Note:  This is the last picture,  I took more, but through an event of my own stupidity, I deleted them. :-(

  Trak was able to see into the ruin, so shot and killed the Merc leader. Additional shots then drove back the last Mercenary, forcing him into cover.
  Sylvester reached the ruin, last exploration point, but wasn't able to finish exploring it. (he rolled three 1's and a 2. on d10s!)

  Since Sylvester didn't finish the mission, that means they need to stick around at least one more turn.  With everyone wounded, Minnie almost dead, and Kazoc possibly dead already, Mason seriously considered calling off the mission and making a run for it.  But doing so would mean no pay for either mission, and everyone running would just give the new arrivals some clear shots.
    Seeing no choice, Mason stepped around the office corner, fired twice, and killed two of the new Mercenaries before stepping back.  He then Kept Pushing(another random event), stepping around the corner again, firing twice more and heavily wounding two more of the new Mercenaries.  They failed their Nerve checks, forcing them back and off the board, meaning they fled the field.

  Sylvester finished the final exploration and booked it back to the starting area.  The mission is complete, the crew just needs to get away now.
   Mason being the furthest out was really the hold up.  But he knew the last two of the new arrivals would see him as soon as he started running.  With little in the way of options, Mason stepped out the other side of the office firing on the last two of the new threat.  His shots hit home on both men, wounding and spooking both, driving them back off the board.  Mason had eliminated the entire six man squad himself!

  One Heavily wounded and very, very scared, Zupyxian Mercenary remained on the board. But he was broken and in full flight mode, he would exit the board on the next turn. The objective was complete, mission accomplished!

Mission Outcome: Mission Successful
Mercenaries: Unknown, I didn't check.
Crew: Kazoc survived his wounds, but the injuries he suffered would be permanently debilitating.  He needs to leave the crew.

We were paid in some weapons, a basket full of Local Currency, some literature, and top of the line adaptive Bionic Parts. (The MAN hands out...odd payment).

So this is where narrative campaigning is awesome.   Honestly, I didn't want to lose Kazoc from the crew.  He wasn't dead, just horribly and permanently wounded.  However, the MAN gave my bionic parts, and the description says they adapt to replace whatever is needed.  So voila!  Lets use the bionics to replace whatever Kazoc lost!  So we did!

   Kazoc will need to Rest for 3 Campaign turns before we can use him again, but we will use him again!  Oh, and he can't Persuade or Bluff anyone, because the bionics have done something to him that makes him hard to communicate with.  Or be understood.  It's not clear really, but I'll figure it out.  I'm not sure how this will effect his Inspire ability either.

I'm really loving this system, and honestly, I'm looking forward to my next game with as much anticipation as I would have for a favorite TV show.

On to Campaign Turn Two!
