Solo FTR Crawl 1; Part 2
I was able to find some time to continue the adventure, so I did!
I was able to find some time to continue the adventure, so I did!
last lizardman put the party over the top for XP, so they all reach
2nd level and assign their new Die.
stepped forward and encountered a door. Realizing that he simply
wasn't qualified to look for traps, he stepped aside and called for
Ny. Carefully checking the door, he determined there were no traps,
but the door was locked. Ny corrected that and opened the door.
the room, Ny first notice the left side of the room seemed to be a
kitchen of some sort, with barrels, and people hide things in
barrels. He searched, but found nothing of use. Cazio entered
next, he noticed an unholy sacrificial alter on the right side of the
room. Approaching cautiously, he checked it for anything of use or
value, but found nothing.
followed the Cleric and also checked the Alter. He discovered what
Cazio missed, 40gp and a small empty sack. Maybe the coins came in
the sack, but were left as an offering? Without caring about the
answer, the Wizard pocketed the coins.
TheDeep is aware, and cares not for the intruders. (4 tokens added
to TheWatch!!!!) From the end of the Armory came the clacking of
bone, and the dragging of feet. Skeleton archers and zombies were
shuffling towards the party. In the room, the alter shivered, and a
Deep Snake slithered out the top, disturbed by the magic-users poking
the alter no doubt.
Evil-3, Party 2
archer skeletons loose arrows at the lone knight. Arrows strike the
walls and clatter away harmlessly. The zombie horde shuffled
forward, reaching the knight. Fortunately, only one at a time could
reach him with the lizardman's odd throne in the way.
the room, the Deep Snake coils, and suddenly springs toward Mordevy!
To his credit, he doesn't even flinch. The snake strikes once,
twice! It's sharp beak slashing the wizards armor, but not
penetrating it. The Snake coils on the alter, looking for its time to strike.
roll=6. Add token. Roll for “Awakening Deep” card. Add a
monster. Crap.
swings at the Snake, but it writhes out of the way, again and again
the Cleric's massive mace smashed down on the stone alter top, never
finding its target. Mordvey fairs no better, his gantlets crashing
down on the stone between the snakes squirming form.
rushes to help Ergon, but his sword can find no purchase on the
flailing and dancing spider.
![]() |
This was honestly terrifying! |
Evil – 2, Party 1
spider lashes out at Ergon, striking him but causing no wounds.
if the second action should be to attack him again, or turn and
strike at Ny, I ask “Does the spider keep attacking Ergon”, and
the answer is ; No, and...
spider, bleeding and wounded from the barbarians attacks, tries to
scurry back up the wall. This gives Ergon a free attack. The
barbarian lunges, driving both of his clawed hands into...and through
the spider. It's lifeless body drops hard onto the barrels and
crates of the kitchen.
Deep Snake screeches and snaps at Mordvey again and again!
Eventually the beak lands a cutting blow, but Mordvey's armor stops
it cold!
the door, the undead shamble forward. (Can zombies open doors?
Die; Yes, But...) The zombie at the door slaps at the handle,
eventually twisting it the right way. It pushes the door, but Ummork
is holding the door closed. It shoves the door, and Ummork isn't
able to hold it any longer (opposed Strength Check), the door
is pushed open!
again bashes the hell out of the alter top, but can't hit the snake
for anything. Mordvey does slightly better, managing to grab the
snake three times, but each time it slipped away without effect.
runs over his sword held high, and cuts the Snake for three wounds!
Mordvey borrows a die to cast a spell enhancing Ny's Strength by 1.
Amazing that he wounded the snake, but not enough to bring it down!
runs by, decapitating the snake in a single blow, runs onward to the
door and cleaves a zombies head in twain. He fights on against
another, but can't land a killing, er, re-killing blow.
he is standing in the door way, there's no way for Ummork to get past
him to the zombies!
Evil – 2, Party 6
Watch – Add a token. Nothing added due to 'awakening Deep”, and
“Miserable Dark” didn't reanimate the spider or snake. Thank
moved to the door at the far end, disabling a trap on the stones in
front of the door, then discovering what appeared to be a Magic Trap
guarding the door. Mordvey stepped forward, flourished his cape, and
stared at the door. “This is not a magic trap, Ny. This is just
random patterns created by the spider blood spatter. This door is
safe, however it is stuck fast”.
he steps aside and Ergon moved up. (how many party members does it
take to open a door?)
easily shoves the door open revealing a sight of terror.
seems to be some sort of throne room, much more official than the one
the lizard folk had in the hallway, and far more evil. Armored
skeletons shift their attention to the open door, weapons raised. On
the throne sits a heavily armored warrior, also a skeleton, but he
has an air of dangerous competence about him. In the far corner
stands the town blacksmith, chained in place and looking to the Party
with fear and hope in his eyes.
Evil – 4, Party 1
Skeleton Warriors attack the heroes in the room, while the Warriors
advance from the throne to join them. Weapons clash, armor rings
with impact, but neither side land any real Wounding blows. The Evil
Warrior watches impassively, his warriors are blocking the heroes
tears apart a skeleton in chainmail, but isn't able to affect the
other skeleton he's facing.
cuts down the chainmail soldier he's fighting, but the other remains
then Cazio arrives, striding through the door like a man resolved
with purpose. His hand and voice rising as one, a pure warm light
streaming forth from both. The Skeletal warriors turned away, trying
to flee the Holy light, but found no shelter. The twisted magics
that held them together were melted away in that light, the once
again lifeless bones clattering to the floor.
words continued, threats, boasts, blasphemy. And the whole time he
spoke, with every word, with every second, the light dissolved more
and more of him away. After no more than half a minute there was
nothing left but the tarnished sword and rusted armor. In the peace
of that light, there wasn't even a clatter as they fell.
the light faded the party freed the blacksmith and scoured the room
for treasure. They found quite a bit in the chests and piles
collected near the throne. Gems and gold coins worth 495gp, and
magic items as well. Two weapons, two items, and a Healing Potion.
potion was given to the Cleric to hold along with the magical
“Smelling Glove”, which can remove Stun effects with one whiff.
Ny received the Shifting Shadows Cloak, and Ummork the Brilliant
Energy Sword. The Weapon of Neptune which lets you command fish, the
party has decided to sell.
trip out of the dungeon was largely uneventful, though the wizard and
cleric were slightly wounded by an arrow trap as they made their
town was overjoyed to see the blacksmith again, and true to their
promise they offered the party 1,100gp for the rescue. The party
refused the payment, and Ummork made an epic speech about
responsibility, and morals, and virtue that touched every heart and
moved the souls of men so that no number of ages passing could let
his words be forgotten. If anyone had written them down, which no
one did.
An excellent game! I assume that the final conflict seems anticlimactic, but I assure you that playing it wasn't. The Cleric managed only a singe Wound on the centurion guy, and he had a d10 Hit Die, but incredibly rolled a 1! Crazy, unlikely, and unexpected! So it might look like a dull end, but actually playing it was quite different!
The random nature of the games generation is, well, random. But over time it all works out. In this case, the dungeon appears to have had an Undead theme, lots of skeletons including the kidnapper "end boss". It's the generating of a cohesive story that makes a thing a campaign, not advancement or gold.
The random nature of the games generation is, well, random. But over time it all works out. In this case, the dungeon appears to have had an Undead theme, lots of skeletons including the kidnapper "end boss". It's the generating of a cohesive story that makes a thing a campaign, not advancement or gold.
So, questions this generates for the story to keep in mind; Why kidnap a blacksmith, then not make him smith things? The skeletal warrior in charge wasn't capable of entering through the sealed front door, at least not on its own, so who helped? Were the lizardmen just opportunistic squatters, or actually a part of the designs?
The party will remain in town for a few days to see what opportunity presents itself.
The game works really well, the only adjustments I had to make were to the random generation mechanics, so not part of the game proper.
The new method of hall/room selection is much better. The thematic elements rolled up on the random charts add some time to the set-up, but make a real difference to the looks.
I'm struggling slightly with treasure generation, it seems either too much or not enough, and the middle ground is elusive. I'm also questioning some of the XP levels, but I am cognizant of the fact that I simply don't have enough data to make a determination on that front yet.
I do think I need to change the way XP is handed out. I was simply totaling it, then dividing between the party evenly, but I'm not sure that's the right way.
I have noted that I'm lacking in enough "scatter terrain" for a dungeon. Tables, decor, chairs, and so on. I shall need more of those things.
I do think I need to change the way XP is handed out. I was simply totaling it, then dividing between the party evenly, but I'm not sure that's the right way.
I have noted that I'm lacking in enough "scatter terrain" for a dungeon. Tables, decor, chairs, and so on. I shall need more of those things.