A couple of years ago, I got the Black Ops rules for Christmas. I haven't had a chance to even try them until recently, but I have read them, and about them, and they seemed pretty good.
Turns out, they really are! I'm impressed, and I really like how the game works.
There are other reviews on the web, so there's no need for me to do that here.
The game is played with standard playing cards drawn for activation, so I'm presenting this in a Card-by-Card fashion, because I am.
I may chose to do something more narrative next time, but this gives a pretty good feel for the flow of the game I think.
Jacks are the regular riflemen, Kings are the "heavies" like a sniper, Aces are the leaders, and Jokers allow the leader to act again, or order another guy within 6".
Red for the Op Team, and Black for the "Bad Guys".
Now, on to the game!
Black Ops: Mission 1
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Mubashshir al-Shaheen, the Target |
The mission is a capture raid, we have learned the location of the high ranking "bad guy" Mubashshir al-Shaheen. He is to be brought in alive, if at all possible.
We know he's currently staying in some remote wilderness buildings, and he's very well protected. Intel says he's only going to be there until tomorrow evening, so we move out to grab him tonight.
Sgt Vernon Navarro (Alpha 1)- Assault Rifle.
Pvt Luther Foley (Alpha 2)- Assault Rifle.
Pvt Karl Goodwin (Alpha 3)- Assault Rifle.
Pvt Louis Wheeler (Alpha 4)- Sniper Rifle.
Estimate Enemy Force: Ten+ men with AK's, possible RPGs.
The mission launches at Night. Alpha is dropped in by helicopter two clicks out and moves in on foot, entering the board in the Northeast corner (lower right).
If Mubashshir becomes alerted to the danger, he will flee. His location means he will be gone quickly if that happens.
Area infiltration successful. The team approaches from behind the large rock formation preventing them from being spotted.
Black Jack: The guards activate, but since none are close enough, or have even the possibility of seeing one of the team, they can't do much. Several of the guards "drift" casually forward 3".
Red Joker: The Sergeant orders Alpha 4 up onto the rocks to find a good over-watch position. The rocks are solid and provide good hand holds, so the climb is no issue.
Red King: Alpha 4 sets up and scans for targets. He drops into Reserve, ready to fire the moment he's needed.
Black Jack: The Guards wander more, one thinks he may have seen something in the rocks...but no, there's nothing there.
Black Ace: No action, he's not active yet.
Red Jack: Alpha 2 and 3 Advance out from behind the rock.
Black Joker: No action, he's not active yet.
Red Jack: Alpha 2 and 3 run across the open spaces to reach cover as quickly as possible. The noise is a minimal risk at this distance.
Red King: Alpha 4 shifts into a crevasse, becoming almost completely Hidden from view.
Red Ace: Alpha 1, providing rear guard, takes off in a run to rejoin his squad under the cover of the trees.
--- End Turn 1 ---
(Meta Note: Moving across the open like that with several guards looking towards us or turning back and forth was seriously nerve wracking!)
Black Ace: No action, he's not active yet.
Black Joker: No action, he's not active yet.
Red Jack: Alpha 3 moves Cautiously forward, slipping into the shallow stream beside the bridge. Alpha 2 moves towards the bridge, keeping to the trees as cover.
Black Jack: The guard sitting on the hill just beyond the bridge turns to the right, looking directly into the trees Alpha 2 is in. He doesn't see him.
A guard beside the target building also thinks he saw something. "Huh?"*(translated from whatever language they speak in wherever this mission is at.) The guard moves forward to the river bank and stares intently into the trees, but he doesn't see anything in the darkness.
Black Ace: No action, he's not active yet.
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Red Joker: With hand signals, Alpha 1 orders 2 out of the trees and down into the river as well.
Red Jack: Alpha 3 rushes from the river, combat knife drawn, and strikes the guard on the hill. But the guard sees him coming and the pair struggle. Alpha 3's knife only severs the guards satchel strap! Alpha 2 slips up beside his team mate and ends the guard with his own knife.
Red King: Alpha 4 remains hidden and in reserve.
Red King: Yeah, he hasn't changed in the last two seconds.
Black Jack: The guard at the river, convinced he didn't see anything, wanders back to his position near the building. But then, he really does see something! He spots the Alpha members on the hill and opens up with his AK! The shots pelt the dirt, going wide of the soldiers as they drop low.
A second guard is attracted by the brief knife scuffle. He rushes forward and stops, confused that he doesn't see anything in the darkness. Two more guards scan the area of the knife fight, but they don't see anything either.
--- End Turn 2 ---
(Meta Note: The one thing missing IMO is rules for guards coming across dead bodies. One would think that seeing a dead ally might tip them off somewhat. That's an easy fix, though I didn't do it in this game. First game, you play by the rules.)
Red Jack: Alpha 2 leaps from the dark grass and silently ends the curious guard, while Alpha 3 moves off the hill and into a hidden position near a large rock.
Red Ace: Alpha 1 moves out of the river and up beside the bridge.
Black Joker: No action, he's not active yet.
Black Jack: A number of guards wander and turn about, but none end up being able to see the soldiers. The one guard behind the building fires again at where he saw the Team, but again there's no effect.
Red King: "Alpha 4, One here, take that shooter down."
"Roger that".
The guard behind the building drops like a puppet with cut strings.
"Bad guy down, boss."
Red King: Alpha 4 resumes his Reserve vigilance.
Red Joker: Alpha 2 is signaled to Advance to the building.
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An aerial shot from a passing drone. |
Black Ace: No action, he's not active yet.
Black Ace: No action, he's not active yet.
Red Ace: Alpha 1 Advances to the building as well, making for the building opening that's now unguarded.
Black Jack: A guard somehow hears Alpha 3 and rushes around the rock. He sees him!
Running forward, he's going to hit him from behind, Alpha 3 can't fight back against an attack he can't see coming!
Krack!: Alpha 4 uses his Reserve action to drop the guard before he can reach his team mate. Alpha 3 glances behind him and gives a thumbs up, knowing 4 can see it.
--- End Turn 3 ---
(Meta Note: That was awesome! I was genuinely afraid for 3, but Alpha 4 made an amazing shot! I love those moments in games!)
Red Ace: Alpha 1 slips into the building where Mubashshir al-Shaheen is sleeping to bind him. Somehow he absolutely screws that up and ends up in a genuine fight.
Red Jack: Alpha 2 enters the building and manages to subdue Mubashshir al-Shaheen, binding and gagging him, though the fight was closer than he would have liked.
Alpha 3 takes up a Reserve stance to guard the opening.
Red Jack: With a hand scruffing the target Alpha 2 runs from the building, Alpha 3 follows.
Black Ace: No action, he's a captive.
Red Ace: Alpha 1 dashes from the building, joining up with the others across the river.
Black Jack: The guards, completely unaware of what's happening, continue to mill about in what they consider a vigilant manner.
Black Joker: No action, he's still a captive.
Red Joker: Alpha 1 sends 2 ahead withe the captive.
Red King: Seeing the action unfold, Alpha 4 climbs down from the rock he was perched on.
Red King: Alpha 4 moves off the board to the ex-filtration point.
Black Ace: Still a captive.
Black Jack: None of the guards are in any position to hear or see anything.
--- End Turn 4 ---
(Meta Note: Technically the team needed another card to reach the board edge, but there wasn't any way for the Guards to see or hear them, so it wasn't necessary to play.)
Mission successful!
Mubashshir al-Shaheen is in custody, and Alpha team is home with no casualties!
The remaining guards have no idea what happened, and they won't find out until the sun comes up and they find the bodies and that their boss is missing.
I was planning to just have the bodies count as noise. I don't remember that being in the book, but this was my first game, so it's very possible I missed it.