I've started a solo campaign using the "Five Leagues from the Borderlands" rules, which I am really enjoying. I've played out three turns, so the group is fairly established and I feel ok about writing them up now. I didn't want to before in case they all got wiped out on the first day or something. But they didn't! (not all of them anyway).
I'm not taking a huge number of pictures during this, the table games are pretty short, and I don't remember to take them during. But it's much more a narrative campaign, rather than just a minis on table one, so these reports will look a bit different than my usual ones.
Introduction These are the borderlands, the area furthest from the law and protection of the nations nobles and their forces, but still inside the border. Outlaws run rampant, soldiers from neighboring lands cross to raid villages, and there's...something out there. Something that should not be in our world. A band of stout hearted adventurers have arrived in the region. Their goal is to beat back the lawless, the violent, and the unnatural things in the dark. To help the villages and their people, though they aren't opposed to collecting loot along the way!
Sir Alart the Courageous formed this party with is friends Sigwald, Brold, and Orva. Along with some loyal followers, Elman, Chevell, Kelby, and Ivo, they intend to cleanse the area of the evil that is strangling it.

The party is traveling slowly along the common path, just getting a feel for the land. They were not paying attention like they should have been, so were surprised by the men coming at them from the trees. Seven men rush from the surrounding forest, their exact intentions are unclear, but the few words the party could hear and the heavy wagon on the hill strongly suggested who they were; Slavers.
No doubt they had done this same routine dozens of times, but this would not only be different, it would be their last if the party had their way. Without hesitation they charged into the woods. Brold met a slaver on the hill, their blades dancing in the light as they fought across the hilltop.
"You have skill, slaver but it is not enough to save you from justice, and today, I am her hand!" Brold cried out as he brought his mace down on the man.
Sigwald charged and brought one down with a roar and a single blow. Orva engaged a few men, her gleaming blade drawing crimson lines across their bodies to compliment her cutting remarks, but she felled none. The slavers fought, but not well enough. In the end five of the criminals lay dead, and two fled into the trees.
The wagon was empty save for a Travelers Pack and a dozen gold coins, which the party kept for expenses. The horses were freed and the wagon burned before they returned to Faygrove.
When they reached the town, they learned that there had been a bounty placed on the heads of the slavers they had just slain, by a Lord Webborn, so they earned another 3 gold pieces.
The party retired for the evening after a well earned meal. None of their number were harmed, though they likely hadn't made any appreciable difference to the town, they had done well enough for an afternoon.
I'm not taking a huge number of pictures during this, the table games are pretty short, and I don't remember to take them during. But it's much more a narrative campaign, rather than just a minis on table one, so these reports will look a bit different than my usual ones.
Introduction These are the borderlands, the area furthest from the law and protection of the nations nobles and their forces, but still inside the border. Outlaws run rampant, soldiers from neighboring lands cross to raid villages, and there's...something out there. Something that should not be in our world. A band of stout hearted adventurers have arrived in the region. Their goal is to beat back the lawless, the violent, and the unnatural things in the dark. To help the villages and their people, though they aren't opposed to collecting loot along the way!
Sir Alart the Courageous formed this party with is friends Sigwald, Brold, and Orva. Along with some loyal followers, Elman, Chevell, Kelby, and Ivo, they intend to cleanse the area of the evil that is strangling it.
The party has arrived in Faygrove. It is a nice place in most times, but now it is desolate and dreary, the lives and spirit of the people crushed by the weight of outlaws and marauders preying on the region. After a bit to acclimate themselves to the village, the party sets out to familiarize themselves with the surrounding area.

The party is traveling slowly along the common path, just getting a feel for the land. They were not paying attention like they should have been, so were surprised by the men coming at them from the trees. Seven men rush from the surrounding forest, their exact intentions are unclear, but the few words the party could hear and the heavy wagon on the hill strongly suggested who they were; Slavers.
No doubt they had done this same routine dozens of times, but this would not only be different, it would be their last if the party had their way. Without hesitation they charged into the woods. Brold met a slaver on the hill, their blades dancing in the light as they fought across the hilltop.
"You have skill, slaver but it is not enough to save you from justice, and today, I am her hand!" Brold cried out as he brought his mace down on the man.
Sigwald charged and brought one down with a roar and a single blow. Orva engaged a few men, her gleaming blade drawing crimson lines across their bodies to compliment her cutting remarks, but she felled none. The slavers fought, but not well enough. In the end five of the criminals lay dead, and two fled into the trees.
The wagon was empty save for a Travelers Pack and a dozen gold coins, which the party kept for expenses. The horses were freed and the wagon burned before they returned to Faygrove.
When they reached the town, they learned that there had been a bounty placed on the heads of the slavers they had just slain, by a Lord Webborn, so they earned another 3 gold pieces.
The party retired for the evening after a well earned meal. None of their number were harmed, though they likely hadn't made any appreciable difference to the town, they had done well enough for an afternoon.
Outlaws Border Dark Secrets
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