These guys have been on my desk for a while, and on my "to-do" list for much,
much longer. I finally got them painted up and finished.
Ultimately I will be using them for a skirmish game, the rules for which are in the works. For now, I'm just happy to have them finished and off the desk!
The figures are OOP Starship Crew from MegaMiniatures, with the front line dremeled off. They're really nice figures, spot on for TOS trek. The only downside is they're true 25mm, so kind of small in the modern 28mm Heroic era of figures we're in now. On the other hand, they match up quite well with the old Heritage Miniatures Star Trek figures, also OOP, which is nice.
The entire crew. Since it's a Landing Party game, I shouldn't need more than 4-6 of them at any one time. |
The Red Shirts. Security and Engineering. |
The Blue Shirts. Science and Medical. |
The Gold Shirts. Command. |
The Senior Officers, or Command Crew. |
Since it's a TOS game, the Captain is certain to find himself in situations where he has lost his shirt, so we need a figure for that. |
I've decided the Captain's name is Thomas Locke, which sounds like it should be famous, but really isn't.
The rest of the command crew is unnamed for the moment.