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Part Four
The evidence gathered this far was pointing to some sort of central location for the trouble, and under interrogation "Groove Time" Moreno had given up the nightclub where things was goin' down.
It was enough for a tap warrant, the guys just needed to get in there and plant the bugs without being spotted doing it.
So they polished up their medallions, fluffed out their do's, and pulled on the widest bell bottoms they had. They rolled out to Foxy Sheba's Disco Sugar Connection, a happening hotspot on the East side.
The place was crowded, inside and out.
Steve approached the bouncer, a rough looking clyde obviously packing heat and taking no jive. He wasn't impressed, Steve wasn't allowed in the club! That could cut the mission real short!
Fortunately Cabrodine stepped up, and his tones played out a much smoother tune.
"Yeah, alright, you guys are good."
"Solid my man, solid." Cabrodine flashed into an overly complicated hand shake, bump, slap, snap, with the bouncer and strolled inside. Steve just nodded to the guy as he passed.
Inside the place was hopping, crowded to the walls with people of all sorts. The music was loud, the people dancing, and the lights flashed to the beat. Beyond the crowded club floor, the two officers could just make out a door on the far side of the room. That had to be the offices, where the bugs had to be placed, so that's where they needed to be.
Splitting up, the officers made their way across the dance floor as inconspicuously as they could. Mixed into the crowd were a number of guards on the watch for any happenings like fights, or police trying to sneak into the office area.
Cabrodine made it to the office door without being spotted, as did Steve, but Steve was caught up in a meandering bar conversation with an apparently lonely guy. He managed to ditch him without causing a scene.
Slipping unseen into the office hallway, Steve chose the office on the right. Fortunately it was unoccupied, so he quickly planted his bug and cut out of there.
Cabrodine wasn't so lucky. The back door guard, another rough looking guy that seemed even less friendly than the front door bouncer, was wandering at his post. He kept looking in through the glass door, but Cabrodine played it cool. He waited it out, and eventually the guard turned around.
Moving unobserved he entered the office, also unoccupied, and planted his bug.
By the time Cabrodine had finished, Steve was already most of the way out of the club. He moved out quickly, but still managed to avoid the guards interest. The bouncer didn't even glance at him as he left, heading quickly to get the car.
Cabrodine followed really, really quickly. Booking across the dance floor, the lobby, and out the door at a dead run. Moving so fast there wasn't time for doors! He slid in through the window while Steve gunned it out of the parking lot.
Mission accomplished!
Mission outcome: Success. Both bugs were planted in the offices without any of the Guards seeing them do it. The bugs generated 4 Evidence of each Financial, and Electronic. Well worth the effort!
Station Actions:
Steve asked for more budget and was granter +2. That's cool.
Cabrodine had nothing to do, so went home early.
Cabrodine had nothing to do, so went home early.
Budget: 80
Place: 4/0
Electronic: 2/4
Financial: 4/5
Physical: 2/1
Meta gaming note. I didn't have a 2ft square nightclub just sitting around to play this mission on. Seriously, who does?
But I wanted to play it, and within the context of the game it was something the guys needed to do, so... I built one as fast as I could. I didn't want to take a long time at something that I would hardly ever use again, so it had to be fast and easy.
I remembered I had this plastic ad board stuff that was black on one side, and I figured I could cut a single side and just bend it into corners. That did work. Then I cut pieces for interior walls, and doors were cut out.
Scrap booking paper was used for the wall coverings and floors in the offices and bathrooms. The dance floor is the metal plate used for dungeon games, and the lobby floor is tiles used for TheDeep:Mine.
After furniture was added, I still felt it was lacking. So I hit on placing the LED lights into the walls. That really brought it to life as a Disco in my opinion.
Overall, I like it. I think it came out pretty nice, and is certainly playable. Not bad for an hours worth of design and work.
Goes to show that you can get good results for your game without huge amounts of time or money.