Terrain catch up

 Many of the terrain pieces I used to to use actually belonged to my brother.  He made them and left them with me, because that's where we used them.  No he has his own game room, so I gave him back his things.

This left me without a lot of things I took for granted, and I needed to replace them.

River for one thing.  So I used the caulk/canvas method my brother originally used to make some new replacements.  I went with more of a brown for the water than he did, but the method was the same. 

I have eight feet of straight river, one 90-degree turn, and two 45-degree turns.  That should be good for now.  In the photo I haven't yet touched up the banks, some of the clear caulk spilled over and shows as really shiny there.

This method does a really nice job.  It's not hard, just time consuming while you wait for stuff to dry.

I also needed roads.  So again, canvas/caulk method, and poof! Roads!
I took the opportunity to make a number of craters/bug holes as well. 

While waiting for things to dry (and waiting, and waiting) I started a new building and a chicken coop, as well as cutting a door mat to make some farm fields.  I made several Haystacks too, though there's no photo right now.

So now I'm pretty much back to where I was, terrain wise.  
