More Terrain!


More Terrain!

I've continued making terrain while it's warm out and can use the garage for the messy bits.  I've completed the house I mentioned last post and the chicken coop.  The above picture is a shot of a test town I laid out once I had things done.  

  This is the house being painted.  The cool part here is that I painted one of those stone walls, and the other was painted by my daughter (she's 5).  I showed her how to do drybrushing, and I chose the colors to use, but she did all the actual painting herself.  She's awesome!

And there's the finished house, along with a few fences I also made and a figure for scale. You can never have too many fences.

An finally, the chicken coop.  I really like this thing, it came out nice, especially for a build that started from "what am I supposed to do with this odd shaped piece of hardboard?"  

The base was an off cut from one of the other buildings, the piece I cut out of the base to allow the placement of lights, so the shape was sort of odd for a building.  So chicken coop it was!

I also painted up a bunch of chickens and sheep, but don't have any photos of those right now.

The other thing I did was finally work on making some trees.  I like them, they're loads better than what I had before, but I'm not super happy with them.  It's a process learning to do things, and I'm trying out different things on each.  Each one gets better, so soon I'll have the ones I really like.

I tried a plastic plant from the craft store as the first tree base, that's the small one up there, and it came out nice.  Then I tried more of those attached to an actual stick as a trunk.  That was ok. I tried that twice, and  it works well, but I think wire branches will be a lot better.  I just need some wire.

The process is pretty simple.  Make the tree form, add the ripped up air filter fibers, spray it dark brown and then light brown from the top.  Paint glue on the filter, and cover in your flock of choice.  I use a mix that I made from spices mostly.  
Then finish the base and paint the tree trunk.  

I completed three Sci-Fi buildings, and some scatter as well.  
The rectangles in the lower right are doors for my desert adobe buildings.  I figure the basic adobe design will be relevant forever, and just by swapping out the doors and adding a few scatter bits, I can use them as sci-fi buildings as well.  

I have more terrain finished, but I'll post that separately.
