Part II
November 7th - We have arrived in the Congo Jungle, and have learned of an “Ancient Puzzle” in the jungle. After securing provisions, including an automatic rifle carried by Willis and a Guide we hired for the terrain, we set off into the dark green depths.

The jungle was rough, tangled, overgrown, but there were areas clear enough to walk unhindered. Our expedition split up, I led Clyde and Steve up an old path of short grass, easy to walk, but also obvious to anyone watching. And I could feel it, we were certainly being watched.
Willis and Paul went with our hired Guide, traversing a slightly more difficult path through the longer grasses, trusting the guide to make it manageable, and away from the obvious place to be.

Slow creeping along the old path eventually led to our goal, a massive stone idol set deep in the jungle. But it wasn’t just an ancient carving of a long vanished god, it was a puzzle! All across the surface were carved symbols and twisting spirals, sliding stones and rotating protrusions. While Clyde and Steve took up watchful positions in the brush, I approached, and stood dumbfounded. I had not one iota of a clue as to what this puzzle was, let alone how it might be solved. (rolled a 1 on the Task, meaning he can't do it.) Knowing I had no chance, I instead motioned Steve forward. Steve was an experienced explorer, and a gifted artist, the kind of mind that could make sense of these things.

I took up a position to watch the jungle, I could feel it, we weren’t alone. Something was coming.
Slightly behind us the others were coming through the jungle. The guide was helpful, mostly with Paul whose bookish nature was unused to the travel. Willis was bringing up the rear, his automatic rifle being ideal for cover in case danger was spotted.

And danger was near, but unfortunately not spotted. Sliding silently, invisibly, through the jungle grass a Puma stalked the rear of our group. (Random event)

With blinding speed, the Puma rushed from the cover of the underbrush and pounced! Willis had no time to react, and fell beneath the mighty predator's fangs. The guide turned and fired his pistol at the beast. His shots went wide, but were enough to frighten off the big cat. It turned and vanished into the jungle.

If it was just coincidence, or the shots fired I do not know, but the approaching natives suddenly chose this time to attack! A group came for Clyde and myself on one side of the Idol, while a second group circled around the back. Arrows, blow-darts, and bullets flew through the trees in all directions, until the masked natives could reach us in person where bloody fights took place.

I charged up the hill to eliminate two of them with a single shotgun blast, but I missed the third native that caught me from behind. I could hear Clyde and Steve go down as well before I lost consciousness.

Only after the fray did I learn of the heroics of our Guide from Paul. While Paul figured out the final steps of the Ancient Puzzle, our Guide was running from side to side doing a spectacular job of keeping the Natives away from him. Eventually, the Guide dealt with the Natives sufficiently that the remaining few turned and ran.
Somehow the Guide and Paul managed to get us away from there, with the secrets of the Idol, and out to safety.
This game was crazy! Supremely stressful, right to the end! Man, that was fun!
Everyone except Willis recovered. Willis died from the Puma attack.
We collected some trinkets and minor artifacts at the site. An armband, some jewels, and some gold and silver. We sold the Gold, in all we made 4F$.
We spent 3F$ to hire Pedro, a replacement for Willis.
Pedro Padilla - Adventurer
A drifter that’s just caught up in events. Quite a jovial fellow.
Armed with a hand gun.
Campaign Event: Steve apparently has a bad attitude at the moment. If he goes OoA in the next game, he’ll leave the campaign.
The Shadow of the Damned requires 3 Dangers to be passed to collect it. This was one, "Ancient Puzzle". So there's 2 more to go.

With blinding speed, the Puma rushed from the cover of the underbrush and pounced! Willis had no time to react, and fell beneath the mighty predator's fangs. The guide turned and fired his pistol at the beast. His shots went wide, but were enough to frighten off the big cat. It turned and vanished into the jungle.

If it was just coincidence, or the shots fired I do not know, but the approaching natives suddenly chose this time to attack! A group came for Clyde and myself on one side of the Idol, while a second group circled around the back. Arrows, blow-darts, and bullets flew through the trees in all directions, until the masked natives could reach us in person where bloody fights took place.

I charged up the hill to eliminate two of them with a single shotgun blast, but I missed the third native that caught me from behind. I could hear Clyde and Steve go down as well before I lost consciousness.

Only after the fray did I learn of the heroics of our Guide from Paul. While Paul figured out the final steps of the Ancient Puzzle, our Guide was running from side to side doing a spectacular job of keeping the Natives away from him. Eventually, the Guide dealt with the Natives sufficiently that the remaining few turned and ran.
Somehow the Guide and Paul managed to get us away from there, with the secrets of the Idol, and out to safety.
This game was crazy! Supremely stressful, right to the end! Man, that was fun!
Everyone except Willis recovered. Willis died from the Puma attack.
We collected some trinkets and minor artifacts at the site. An armband, some jewels, and some gold and silver. We sold the Gold, in all we made 4F$.
We spent 3F$ to hire Pedro, a replacement for Willis.
Pedro Padilla - Adventurer
A drifter that’s just caught up in events. Quite a jovial fellow.
Armed with a hand gun.
Campaign Event: Steve apparently has a bad attitude at the moment. If he goes OoA in the next game, he’ll leave the campaign.
The Shadow of the Damned requires 3 Dangers to be passed to collect it. This was one, "Ancient Puzzle". So there's 2 more to go.
We collected 6 Fortune.
The adventure continues!
The adventure continues!