Dirk Dashing, and the Dangerteers! S1;Ep1
The galactic Bounty Hunter, Betty Bombshell, has called her old flame Dirk Dashing for help! A bounty on a Space Hippy she was chasing turned out to be more than she bargained for when she learned there was not only a capture bounty on the man, but also a kill contract!
When she learned about that, and that the ruthless assassin Iron Dog was closing in, she knew she needed the Dangerteers to save him!
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Utopis, Planet Taniri |
The Dangerteers, along with information from Betty, tracked down the Space Hippy Conr Jones hiding out the town of Utopis, on the planet Taniri.
Dirk Dashing, Dale Daring, Dr. Klaxon, Dangerteer Ace, and Dangerteer Buzz, emerge from their ship the Headlong, to collect Mr. Jones.
Fortunately, the Dangerteers have arrived just in time! The assassin Iron Dog, and his pack of assassin droids, have also arrived on Taniri in search of Conr Jones!
( I replaced the missile launcher guy with 2 more droids after this photo was taken. It seemed to make more sense.)
Conr wasn't terribly hard to find. That's good news for the Dangerteers, and Conr frankly, but Dirk suspected that it also means the assassins weren't going to have a problem finding him either. The Dangerteers have to get Conr back to the Headlong to rocket him to safety!
Dirk was right, the assassin droids appeared right off, and were heading their way! Ace and Buzz ignited their rocket packs, and leapt to the building rooftops to get clear lines of fire. No way they were letting their hippy get cut down, not while they were on duty!
Dr. Klaxon moved closer to the droids. His Atomic Accelerator makes a mockery of cover, but it has a shorter range than the Dangerteers laser rifles.
Dale took up the escort duty, leading Conr forward into the heavy cover behind the lifter droid.
Dale was just in time! Iron Dog, the ruthless assassin stepped out from the corner of a building and let rip a withering burst of fire at the pair. Beside him his droid pack sent a hail of blaster fire in accompaniment.
The cover did it's job, Dale and Conr were unharmed! The same can't be said for the lifter droid that blocked all those shots, but that's another matter.
Just then, Dirk Dashing dropped into the street on a plume of jetpack smoke, his dual ray guns spitting out a stream of beams towards the assassin leader, forcing him back into the cover of the building!
Dale took advantage of the interruption and lead Conr into the relative safety of the junk depot, out of sight from Iron Dog, and out of range of the droids blasters.
Heroic, but hardly foolish, Dirk then ducked behind the nearby building.
Meanwhile, Ace had been driving back the assassin droids almost single handedly. Neither Buzz, nor Dr. Klaxon could land a decisive shot of their own. Ace also took advantage of Dirks heroics, and managed to down another droid, while also wounding Iron Dog! Well done Dangerteer!
Iron Dog recovered quickly and once again resumed his forward march, his huge gun belting out a stream of deadly fire. His single minded goal, to eliminate the hippy, and he came close. Conr was now suffering from shock, and cowering.
Unable to wait longer in good conscience, Dirk ignited his pack and flew over the building to land in the street, directly in front of Iron Dog! Short banter ensued, heroic from Dirk, despicable from Iron Dog, before the fists started flying.
Ultimately it was Dirk Dashing that remained standing, and the dastardly assassin that lay defeated in the dust.
Dale took the opportunity Dirk afforded, and rushed Conr forward to the cover of the cooling tower. Iron Dog was down, but his droids either didn't know that, or just didn't care. They were still advancing from the other side. Dale snapped off a few shots from her ray pistol and held them back for a moment.
Success! The Dangerteers safely escorted Conr Jones, space hippy, out of town and off the planet!
Well that was fun!
I used random generators for the mission, enemies and objectives. The chart specified that the person we were to collect was a "hippy", so that's where that came from.
I really enjoyed that!
I'm looking forward to more games. I think keeping them episodic, rather than as a continuing campaign will work best for this. So each game will be an episode that may, or may not, relate in a ny way to previous ones.
Tune in next time!