Mission 2: Retrieve, Wednesday, January 11th, 1967
Another squad, on another mission, lost one of their packs when they were forced out of the area. The pack has maps, a radio, and other things command would rather the VC not have access to. First Squad is being sent in to get it back.
As near as intelligence can figure, the lost pack is in one of three likely places. Either in the clearing where the squad was evacuated out, or in one of the close huts. First squad needs to check each place until they find it, then get it back to base.
First Squad has requested, and obtained, an M-113 APC for this mission. They're under-strength, so Sergeant West is hoping that will make up some difference.
The patrol had almost reached the area for their search when they encountered problems. And it started out as a big one! A VC ambushed them from a stand of trees, and he was armed with an RPG!
The grenade hit the APC and dealt some damage, but nothing to stop them. The Gunner rotated his huge .50-cal, and shot everything in the entire jungle except the enemy.
Unwilling to wait for better results, maybe un-surprised at the results, the driver gunned it and rolled for the hill. Once on the other side the RPG soldier couldn't see them.
The M-113 rolled over the hill, taking it out of the RPG line of site behind them, but right into the sights of the three VC approaching along the trail. One of them was also carrying an RPG.
"Oh come on!" the Driver yelled. "Gunner, do something!"
The Gunner opened up on the distant figures, taking one out of action, and forcing the others into the woods for cover.
The APC clanked along the path before turning off into the woods to reach the objective points. The VC peppered the armord vehicle with AK-47 fire along it's path, forcing the Gunners head down. Once the machine turned into the woods, it was nicely lined up for an RPG shot. The grenade missed the APC, but only just. The blast did catch the vehicle, but caused no damage.
The original VC soldier finally caught up, cresting the hill. Unfortunately for him, Gunner saw him and was far more accurate this time.
"Quartermain, Carter, Harlin" Sgt west barked. "Out here, check the area. We're going on to the hut."
Privates Carter and Harlin jumped from the APC and into the bush. Corporal Quartermain jumped from the rear of the APC and dashed to cover, yelling "Gunner! Watch for my signal!"
Once he reached the cover of the tree, he waved to the gunner. Both Quartermain and the APC Gunner opened up on the path and the enemy hidden along there. All four VC were gunned down. (and a considerable portion of the forest was presumably mowed down by that barrage...)
The APC rumbled on through the forest to the closest hut. Carter and Harlin moved quickly to search the area, but before they could see anything, more VC showed up on the hill. The two marines returned the fire they were getting, but the enemy was well protected and hidden behind the trees. Still, they were keeping the VC heads down.
Quartermain runs across the open to help Harlin and Carter search, but stops short. He hears something..."Incoming!" the Corporal screams.
VC mortar shells come whistling in. The first lands directly between Carter and Harlin, tossing them aside and showering them with dirt. A second explosion rolls through the jungle, but it's further away. A third is further still.
Moments pass, and Quartermain feels confident the shelling is done for now, so he runs to the downed men. Incidentally he can confirm the missing gear isn't here, so that's one location checked.
Harlin isn't moving, but Carter is howling in pain. Quartermain lifts the soldier up and carries him out of the open and into the cover of the treeline. He'll come back for Harlin.
Sergeant West dismounts the APC and searches the hut. Private Oliver follows, but trips on something and falls on his face. just out of the APC.
Sgt West comes back out the door, triumphantly holding the missing pack. He found it! Now they just need to get out of here!
It's never that easy. Three VC were hiding behind the hut and suddenly rush out, trying to physically take over the APC! Oliver is just pulling himself up from the dirt, and West is still by the hut. The APC Gunner is the only one that can fight back the assault.
Swinging the mounted .50 like a club to hold them back, Gunner fumbles for his knife.
"No riders!"
Gunner's in a vehicle, but he's still a Marine. All three of the attacking VC are killed in hand to hand combat.
Carter shakes off his wound and gets back on his feet with Quartermains help.
"You good, kid?" the Corporal grunts while looking to Harlin.
"I'm fine", Carter said, picking up his weapon. "Go get Harlin."
But before he took two steps, Quartermain tripped a wire and a wooden spiked branch swung into his chest. Booby trap! The Corporal is down and out.
Carter stares for a moment at the suddenness of it, but is brought back to the moment when the APC rumbles up beside him. With AK rounds landing all around, he lifts Quartermain into the carrier, then shoots down an enemy in the trees.
The Gunner opens up on the treeline, gunning down one, while Carter runs out to get Harlin. Everyone's in the APC except them, but he's having trouble lifting the Marine. Oliver jumps out to cover them, firing, and keeping the VC heads down. Once they're back inside, they can roll out of here!
Suddenly an RPG streaks in from the trees, hitting the APC and completely disabling it! Fortunately, everyone inside is alive, though Carter is wounded again.
The driver and Sgt West lift and carry Harlin and Quartermain, running for the North wood line.
Oliver fires at the VC approaching from the West, covering the men's escape. The gunner starts back in for Carter.
Before the gunner can get far, a group of three VC appear and assault the APC, climbing in through the hatches. Only wounded Pvt Carter is in there to stop them, but he proves more than a match for the guerrillas. He manages to dispatches all three, but the effort is too much, and he drops and lays still.
The gunner finally gets in and lifts Carter out, carrying him North after the others.
![]() |
That is a LOT of bad guys coming this way.... |
The VC appear in even more numbers, and are apparently not keen on the idea of the Americans escaping. The come running down from the tree line to stop them, AKs barking as they run. They're going to catch the Sergeant and driver for sure, but they're ignoring Oliver. Or didn't see him up against the tree.
Oliver calls in an Airstrike!
A Phantom streaks overhead dropping napalm. The exploding flames roar a path right through the VC in the open field! Hoo Rah!
The gunner shoots down the two that the fire missed, leaving the area clear for the moment.
The Marines are clear to get into the North woods where they can call for evac.
Mission Success!
After Action
The squad has 5RP. For this mission they earned;
+5RP for competing the mission
+3RP for confirmed kills.
-5RP for the airstrike.
8RP Total
Corporal Quartermain is going to have a Dramatic Scar, but he's recovered fine.
Private Harlin was only knocked out. He's fine.
Private Carter was Lightly Wounded and will be in sickbay for 8 days.
Campaign Events
Mission Milestone! This has no effect on this type of game, so it's just a positive morale die.
Commendation - Private Oliver is awarded the Medal of Valor for his actions.
(it's a random event on a random soldier, but I think he deserved it this time. He made some epic rolls for the support call.)
This is seriously fun! I'm really enjoying the way this game plays!