Mission 1: Recon. Friday, January 6th, 1967.

First squad is sent on a long patrol, an abandoned hut in this sector is the far point of their patrol, and something they need to search before they can return to base.
First squad (I’m not assigning battalion or company numbers. I don’t need them, and it’s rude to me to use (even accidentally) a real one that represents real people.)
Sergeant Manfred West. (no Shirt) (d10/d10 Leader, Encouraging, Dodge, Steady - M-16).
Corporal Billy Quartermain (d10/d10 Loads of Ammo, Strong - M-60)
Private Dusk Bester (d10/d10 Sniper - Radio, M-16)
Private Chad Carter (d12/d8 Ranged Fighter - M-16)
Private Oliver (d8/d8 Dodge - M-16)
Private Anderson (d8/d8 Dodge -M-16)
Private Harlin (d8/d8 Dodge -M-16)
So far the patrol had been quiet, except for the bugs they hadn’t seen or heard anything hostile. They were close to the hut now, within sight. It was just across the river. Should be easy.Corporal Billy Quartermain (d10/d10 Loads of Ammo, Strong - M-60)
Private Dusk Bester (d10/d10 Sniper - Radio, M-16)
Private Chad Carter (d12/d8 Ranged Fighter - M-16)
Private Oliver (d8/d8 Dodge - M-16)
Private Anderson (d8/d8 Dodge -M-16)
Private Harlin (d8/d8 Dodge -M-16)
"Almost to the objective point, this is where it probably gets hard" the Sargent spoke in a low tone. "Stay frosty, guys."
To the South, three VC were moving quietly through the tall grass. Unseen, but too far for a clean shot, they advanced on the American patrol.
Carter sees motion in the grass, and spots the approaching VC soldiers. "Three South" Carter calls out. He opens up on them with full-auto, killing 2 and forcing the other back.
The shooting triggers a VC that was hiding right nearby to stand and start shooting. Harlin and Armstrong are forced back, scrabbling up the hill under the fire. "Where did he come from!?"
To the South, three VC were moving quietly through the tall grass. Unseen, but too far for a clean shot, they advanced on the American patrol.
Carter sees motion in the grass, and spots the approaching VC soldiers. "Three South" Carter calls out. He opens up on them with full-auto, killing 2 and forcing the other back.
The shooting triggers a VC that was hiding right nearby to stand and start shooting. Harlin and Armstrong are forced back, scrabbling up the hill under the fire. "Where did he come from!?"
Quartermain scowls at the inexperienced grunts. "You ain't gonna do no good running that way. Stand your ground, pukes!" With that he braced, and opens up on the VC with his M-60, cutting the man to pieces.
Sgt West and Pvt Carter enter the river, taking shots at the last VC they are aware of, to no effect. Carter takes aim, and drops the guerrilla with a shot.
The rest of the squad follows across the river toward the objective.
(astute readers will note that the squad is crossing the river at literally the widest possible point. I have no excuse for this, I haven’t a clue what I was thinking here, or why I did that…)
More VC have appeared across the river, this time to the North. Their shots are wild, but they’re hitting close enough to send Harlin scrambling for cover!
One of the newly arrived enemy is carrying an RPG. Fortunately, the shot goes wide and detonates harmlessly on the river bank. The squad fires back while running for cover, forcing some VC into cover themselves, and killing one.
A VC suddenly springs from the bushes and attacked Cpl Quartermaine, but Billy wasn’t in the mood apparently. He fought the guy back and killed him in hand to hand, which is difficult to do when holding a 2 handed M-60, then whirled around and sprayed bullets across the river pinning down the rest of the visible VC. Corporal Quartermain is a badass.
But that guy could clearly see Pvt Bester, and he shot him down!
Carter shot dead the RPG carrier, so that threat was at least dealt with.
Sgt West kills another VC, the last of the visible enemy. Carter and Harlin set up on overwatch while Oliver starts searching the hut. Quartermain and Armstrong move up to the hut to help with the search.
More VC appear in the North, firing across the river. Armstrong, searching around the hut, slips and falls pulling down a loose board, and revealing a hiding VC soldier! The man jumps out and stabs the fallen Armstrong. Oliver fires and drives him off, then Carter shoots him dead before he could get three yards.
Another of the expertly camouflage fighters rears up and attacks Sgt West, but learns a brutal and final life lesson that standing Marines are quite formidable.
Quartermain finished the search of the hut, so objective complete, they just need to get out of here. But then more VC appear, one only momentarily, as Harlin puts him down from Overwatch. Sgt West heads over to Bester, and to the radio. More VC have shown up in the North, and he thinks now would be a pretty good time for some fire support!
The VC are starting to cross the river! Carter is hit and goes down. He's not moving. Harlin is taking massive amounts of fire from an RPK across the river, shaking him up badly. He breaks, and starts running away.
Sgt West is hit by a bullet and goes down, but not out. He manages to crawl into the cover of some bushes, leaving a bloody trail. He didn't get to use the radio. Looks like there's no support coming. Quartermain’s M-60 roars and cuts down an enemy in the river.
Three more VC come out of the woods right behind Pvt Oliver, and gun him down while he was trying to carry Anderson out of there. Quartermain turns his gun on them, shells piling up on the ground, he chops through one man, and sends the others scrambling for cover.
Pvt Harlin, reassured by the M-60’s perhaps, finally pulls himself together, and heads back to the fight, killing a VC across the river as he does.
More VC are coming, they’ve crossed the river and are making their way up the hill. Quartermain is shot and goes down.
Sgt West demonstrates his indomitable will, stands up, and with a roar of "Semper Fi! Hoo Rah!" guns down 2 VC coming up the hill. Quartermain grunts, and using the hut wall for leverage, slides up to a standing position with is gun screaming again. He kills one man outright and sends another running. Harlin does the same by the river, gunning down a VC and sending another into hiding.
Harlin then kills the RPK gunner crossing the river. Two more VC show up across the river to the East, in the tall grass, but Quartermain spots them and cuts them down before they can do anything.
That's the last of the VC visible now. Sgt West reaches the radio. Recognizing that he’s got four men down, and two of the three left standing are wounded. He calls for an evac chopper.
After Action
The mission was a success, they did search the hut.
+5 RP for a successful mission.
+3 RP for Confirmed kills*
-3 RP for calling in the chopper
5 RP total
Pvt Carter - Light Wounds. He’ll be out 5 days, returning January 11th.
Pvt Bester - Light Wounds. He’ll be out 6 days, returning January 12th.
Pvt Oliver - Mental scar. Physically fine and fit for duty, but now he has only 2 Wounds total.
Pvt Armstrong - Permanent disabling injury. Shipped home. Honorable discharge after recovery.
Campaign events
Oliver gets sick and is out for 2 days. He’s fine on the 9th.
Sgt West is given a commendation for his actions in this mission. (this is a random campaign event for a random figure. I would have given the commendation to Quartermain.)
Sgt West and Pvt Carter enter the river, taking shots at the last VC they are aware of, to no effect. Carter takes aim, and drops the guerrilla with a shot.
The rest of the squad follows across the river toward the objective.
(astute readers will note that the squad is crossing the river at literally the widest possible point. I have no excuse for this, I haven’t a clue what I was thinking here, or why I did that…)
More VC have appeared across the river, this time to the North. Their shots are wild, but they’re hitting close enough to send Harlin scrambling for cover!
One of the newly arrived enemy is carrying an RPG. Fortunately, the shot goes wide and detonates harmlessly on the river bank. The squad fires back while running for cover, forcing some VC into cover themselves, and killing one.
A VC suddenly springs from the bushes and attacked Cpl Quartermaine, but Billy wasn’t in the mood apparently. He fought the guy back and killed him in hand to hand, which is difficult to do when holding a 2 handed M-60, then whirled around and sprayed bullets across the river pinning down the rest of the visible VC. Corporal Quartermain is a badass.
Carter shot dead the RPG carrier, so that threat was at least dealt with.
Sgt West kills another VC, the last of the visible enemy. Carter and Harlin set up on overwatch while Oliver starts searching the hut. Quartermain and Armstrong move up to the hut to help with the search.
Sgt West is hit by a bullet and goes down, but not out. He manages to crawl into the cover of some bushes, leaving a bloody trail. He didn't get to use the radio. Looks like there's no support coming. Quartermain’s M-60 roars and cuts down an enemy in the river.
More VC are coming, they’ve crossed the river and are making their way up the hill. Quartermain is shot and goes down.
Harlin then kills the RPK gunner crossing the river. Two more VC show up across the river to the East, in the tall grass, but Quartermain spots them and cuts them down before they can do anything.
That's the last of the VC visible now. Sgt West reaches the radio. Recognizing that he’s got four men down, and two of the three left standing are wounded. He calls for an evac chopper.
Mission successful.
After Action
The mission was a success, they did search the hut.
+5 RP for a successful mission.
+3 RP for Confirmed kills*
-3 RP for calling in the chopper
5 RP total
Pvt Carter - Light Wounds. He’ll be out 5 days, returning January 11th.
Pvt Bester - Light Wounds. He’ll be out 6 days, returning January 12th.
Pvt Oliver - Mental scar. Physically fine and fit for duty, but now he has only 2 Wounds total.
Pvt Armstrong - Permanent disabling injury. Shipped home. Honorable discharge after recovery.
Campaign events
Oliver gets sick and is out for 2 days. He’s fine on the 9th.
Sgt West is given a commendation for his actions in this mission. (this is a random campaign event for a random figure. I would have given the commendation to Quartermain.)
*Each VC killed has a d6 rolled. On a 5+ the kill is confirmed, otherwise the VC have taken off with the bodies and nothing can be confirmed. Every 2 Confirmed kills is +1RP.
I figured that the Fistful of Lead rules would work for Vietnam skirmish, and they certainly do. To get the most out of it I’ve added in the Event card mechanic from TheDeep:Mine, and that works amazingly well! It’s a nightmare going on patrol, as I imagine it should be. To round it out I’ve pulled in campaign rules and charts from a number of sources, mostly various rulesets from the FiveCore family, and FNG.
I’m tracking the squad and using a calendar to chart their time in country. It adds quite a bit to know what day it is, how long its been between missions, and how close guys are to going home.
I figured that the Fistful of Lead rules would work for Vietnam skirmish, and they certainly do. To get the most out of it I’ve added in the Event card mechanic from TheDeep:Mine, and that works amazingly well! It’s a nightmare going on patrol, as I imagine it should be. To round it out I’ve pulled in campaign rules and charts from a number of sources, mostly various rulesets from the FiveCore family, and FNG.
I’m tracking the squad and using a calendar to chart their time in country. It adds quite a bit to know what day it is, how long its been between missions, and how close guys are to going home.
I'm really enjoying this, and have played several more games. Just have to right them up!
Historical Note: I don’t care about it.
I chose 1967 for a couple reasons. The war was in full swing. M-16’s were replacing M-14’s, and camouflage uniforms were replacing greens, but they all still existed. So I can use whatever minis I have, however they’re painted. That’s the extent of my nod to historical accuracy here.
Historical Note: I don’t care about it.
I chose 1967 for a couple reasons. The war was in full swing. M-16’s were replacing M-14’s, and camouflage uniforms were replacing greens, but they all still existed. So I can use whatever minis I have, however they’re painted. That’s the extent of my nod to historical accuracy here.