Boasting Cat

The Boasting Cat

 A little while ago (years and years really, but just a bit ago in my mind) I started a game of Five Parsecs From Home. Built my crew, played two games and three campaign turns, and I had a great time with it. (and I'll get back to it soon, I really will!)
    At that time, i decided I needed a physical model for their ship, the Boasting Cat. In case they needed to defend it, or got boarded, or just to be a terrain piece objective, whatever.  
    I was also vaguely planning on a smaller version I could use in space scale games, so based it loosely on a small toy I had.  That didn't work out, but eh, we try stuff. Apparently, I didn't take any construction shots, though I swear I did.  

    It had to be big enough to play in, not just around, and since the rules suggested a 24"x24" area for the table I used that for the ship too.  Much time was spent thinking about shapes and layouts so the ship would look good, but also be playable as a table. I went with something round-ish rather than liner so games could be tactical. There's multiple entries and multiple paths to the bridge. 
So we'll start by looking at the bridge.

Looking in through the windshield.


Some shots of the bridge showing the seats and controls.  That's Mason, the owner and captain of the ship in there.

Each crew member has their own quarters, though Sylvester and Trax are bunking together in one, and I don't have a photo of Mini's for whatever reason.

The ship does have a bathroom, because it bugs me when ships don't.

The common area, dining room/kitchen.

Workshop area.

Computer area just outside the Bridge.

The fabrication/tooling and Med-Bay area.

And I did still want the smaller version so I could use it in space games.  Since I am really enjoying the STarfighter! rules, I built a 1/5 scale version of the Boasting Cat that matches with the starfighter minis I use.

  Both ships together, with the starfighter beside them.  The larger one is just a paper printout, but it's scaled correctly for 30mm. You can see that they are comparable in size to their counterparts.

Just a closeup of the smaller version and the starfighter miniature.

I'm pretty happy with how she turned out. And happy with the smaller version as well.
I haven't gamed with it yet, but that's coming.  
