
  The other day (ok, yesterday) I had an idea for a new starship game.  Something simple, but with enough depth to be interesting.  So I wrote it down, and it covered a whopping 1/3 of a page!
  Still, I figured it would work, and I had some free time after work while my girl was napping, so I tossed up a board and tried it out.
   The ships are from long ago, so aren't excellent.  But they work just fine.

The Federation escort fleet
   The Class 3 cruiser Rook, flanked by Class 2 light cruisers Cooper and Siva, and backed up by the Class 1 destroyers Roland and Rasputin.  The freighter Fortune follows along.

The Klingon raiding force
   The Class 3 cruisers K'Tang and Vo'Th, and the Class 2 destroyers Lo'H, Ta'He, and Ghobe.

The Scenario: The Federation ships are on escort duty, they need to ensure the freighter exits the board on the far edge.  The Klingons want to stop the freighter so just need to destroy it.

    Movement turns, the Klingons spread out to cover the width of the asteroid field, while the Federation ships advanced in position trying to shield the freighter.

    Phaser fire is exchanged, shields are damaged, and Siva took a hull hit.

The Ta'He swings wide and comes in from the side to try and flank the freighter, but the Cooper moves in and blows the ship away.  First blood to the Federation.

   The K'Tang unleashes a full salvo into the Rasputin, blowing the tiny ship to oblivion.

 Against my better judgment (which is weird because I'm playing by myself...) the Fortune captain decides to make a run for it, leaving the protection of the ships but grabbing the opportunity.

   The K'Tang continued carving its bloody path, reducing the Siva to an expanding cloud of ash and debris.  The Fortune's shields were battered, but they held.

   The Klingon destroyers abandoned the Federations ships and swung around to chase the freighter.

  The Lo'H dropped her shields and raced after the Fortune, all power to weapons.  The freighters shields were reduced, but held.  The Rook sped past the Vo'Th to vaporize the Klingon.

   The K'Tang put power to the engines and moved much faster than I expected.  With its shields reduced in power to only 2 green, it was able to deliver a massive dose of firepower to the freighter.  The Fortunes shields buckled and collapsed, explosion ripped across the ships surface.  The freighter broke apart in a flash of light and vented gas.

The freighter destroyed, the victorious Klingons disengaged and left the sector.

Klingon Victory!

Federation Status
Rasputin destroyed, Siva destroyed, Fortune destroyed.
Rook heavily damaged.  Roland and Cooper functional.

Klingon Status
Lo'H destroyed, Ta'He destroyed, Ghobe heavily damaged.
Vo'Th and K'Tang functional.

I learned three things from this.

1) I have no idea where I put my asteroid terrain, but lava rocks work pretty good.
2) I really need to make an explosion marker of some kind.
3) This game is great!

I made a few changes while playing, which is what a play-test is for.  The ranges were way to long when I started for example.
It also took a minute to get my head right, I played the first turn wrong,

I really think this played well.  The game took less than an hour, even with me having to walk around the table constantly to play both sides. That could have been avoided if I had stood somewhere else, but my opponent wasn't very smart today.

On to more!
