Senator Moe has arrived in style, in a military UH-60, in a suburban park to give a speech. The town has turned out quite a crowd to hear the esteemed Senator on this fine day.
The heroes this time received reliable information that the villains were going to make an appearance as well, but not to hear the Senator speak. They want the helicopter for some reason, and they can't be allowed to have it!
The heroes tip lets them deploy in an ambush, they know the villains are coming, and what they want, so they're sitting ready! The tip also told them that the number of criminals involved is "more villains than you can shake a stick at", which doesn't sound very good.
It's not. In this case, it means seven supervillains have shown up to grab the helicopter for whatever nefarious reason, and there are only four heroes to stop them.
The Parrot gets things started, swooping to the rooftop behind Master Particle. After a moment of study, The Parrot copies Master Particles ability to become insubstantial!
Before the feathered fiend can use his new power Captain Fancy flies to the roof and delivers a devastating blow that knocks The Parrot off the roof and into the street.
Master Mime teleports onto the rooftop and lances Master Particle with a mental blast! Not enough, but it hurt! The rest of the villain mob rushes forward (some faster than others), and the heroes move to more useful positions.
Master Mime suddenly remembers they have a mission, and it's not just to fight, so teleports toward the helicopter. Captain Fancy shoots after the silent clown, taking the hint he lets his fists talk for him.
In short order Citadel and The Parrot join in the scrap just beside the objective!
Lord Magnificent closes in to join the fray, while Swiss Soldier and Master Particle duke it out in the street. Master Particle goes down, and the Swiss Soldier stomps on him! He's not KO'd, but it hurt and looked awesome.
Captain Fancy KO's Master Mine and leaves his defense of the copter to save Master Particle. Swiss Soldier decides he's not capable of taking on the two heroes alone, so shrinks down and takes off, moving through the wall cracks and heading for the objective.
Miss Fortune finally gets into action, once again jinxing Captain Fancy. The Captain is really starting to not like that woman.
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Dun, dun...DUN! |
The slower villains catch up, of course they blow any advantage that might have given them as they stop to pose. Samur-Eye even gives a brief monologue.
Megalo Don knocks Captain Fancy across the park, and an Eye-nergy blast KOs him. Lord Magnificent closes in on Miss Fortune despite being jinxed. He swings, catches his arm in his cape, and though he elbows the villain for a Wound, he clocks himself in the jaw for three! Samur-Eye drops the wizard with a glance.
Miss Fortune is downed, Citadel KO's Swiss Soldier and drops The Parrot to 0 Health, but he doesn't fall! Billy the Killed finally finishes his roundabout flanking approach and reaches the park.
Master Particle explodes again, but does only minor damage to the villains. Still, it's enough to almost KO Billy, which is the most activity he's had. That guy's not really earning his pay on this mission.
Megalo Don diverts from the objective to take on Master Particle. A massive uppercut flattens the hero. Frankly, he's had enough of the hero exploding in his face and thinks he needs to pay, so he hoists the unconscious guy and carries him to the helicopter.
The Parrot gets in, but realizes he has no idea how to fly the thing. Fortunately, Samur-Eye has extensive military training, so he's able to fire up the bird and get it airborne.
The villains win today capturing both the objective and the hero Master Particle, while losing none of their own!
This game was weeks ago, so I apologize for not recalling and recounting a blow for blow. What I do remember is the game, the whole series of games for that matter, were amazingly fun!
I use a chart to determine opposition for the heroes. It's based on the "value" of the groups and comes down to Equal, one less, one more, or the rare one that came up here; Double.
Honestly, there wasn't any real chance of the heroes winning this game, they were just way too outgunned. Even so, they showed themselves to be the heroes that they are and did an impressive job. They KO'd Miss Fortune, Swiss Soldier, and Master Mime. Billy the Killed and The Parrot were barely standing, and both Megalo Don and Samur-Eye were wounded.
If a few dice had landed a little differently, they may very well have pulled out a win, and that's amazing.
What do the villains want with the copter? What will become of Master Particle?
Who can know?
Tune in next time!
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