SMF Campaign: Issue 2

Issue 2: Declaration Deal!

   The Heroes get a tip that a "deal is going down" in a park North of the city.  The tip isn't real specific on what the deal is, but it does tell them that a group of super-villains are going to be there.

   In an oddly situated gazebo a suspicious looking man can be seen meeting with Senator Mobert Moe!  On the floor is a large secure looking box, presumably the object of the deal.  It's that box the two sides are after.

"I wonder what's in that box." said Master Particle.
"Something valuable, obviously." said Lord Magnificent. "Like the Declaration of Independence!"
"What?" Citadel turned to them.  "What in the world makes you thin-"
"Great Fancy Stars!" Captain Fancy burst.  "We can't let him sell that to that thug!"
"He's just a guy, what makes you think he's-" Citadel started.
"No, he's right." Master Particle cut in. "The Declaration is too important, we need to get it back!"
"But how do you know it's-" Citadel was talking to no one, the others had already flown on.

"Right, lets get the box and get out of here" said the saurian gangster, Megalo Don.
Miss Fortune, Samur-eye, and Master Mime nod in agreement.

  The heroes move first, Captain Fancy flying across the board and into the gazebo, he grabs the box immediately.  The villains panic, they have to act very fast if they are going to get the box away from the heroes and out of the park, but none of them can fly.
   Master Mime tries teleporting to the gazebo, but he doesn't make it nearly far enough.  He's not even close enough to do anything.
   Lord Magnificent and Master Particle fly to the gazebo mound, but can't quite make it inside.
  Now in a real panic, the villains act hastily.  Megalo Don runs over, grabs Miss Fortune, and hurls her towards the gazebo!  She doesn't get all the way there, but she gets close enough to jinx Captain Fancy!
   Samur-eye steps around a copse of trees so he can see, and unleashes his powerful Eye-Nergy beam on Captain Fancy, hitting him and knocking him back! He drops the box!

   Miss Fortune's luck shuts down Master Particle's flight ability.  Captain Fancy, wounded from the Eye-Nergy beam hit, is afraid to move less the jinx cause him to fall and KO himself.  She has effectively neutralized two fliers for the moment.

   Master Mime teleports into the gazebo and grabs the box.  His attempt to Mind Control Captain Fancy fails, and he reward is a knock-back blast from a Fancy Beam.
  Miss Fortune moves for a better angle of attack, and her bad luck flows back on the villains.  Because she moved, Master Particle suddenly regained his ability to fly!
  Which he did, grabbing the box and heading out of the park!
  Only Megalo Don saw him leaving, but he was much too far away to be able to stop him.
With the box out of reach, the villains scattered into the woods.

   So the heroes won, probably.  They have the box anyway, though exactly why they have it they really don't know.  Fortunately, Senator Moe understood what they were trying to do, so declined to press charges for the theft.

   The box dropped off at a police station (to a group of very confused officers), the day is once again safe thanks to the Super Egos!

Go back to Issue 1!
Got to Issue 3!
